This is a large-scale luxury housing project in the Burj Khalifa by Antonovich Group. The owner indicated a desire for a magnificent modern interior in which comfort was prioritized and every aspect of the interior emphasized its high status and respectability. A sufficiently sized flat allowed designers to express their creativity. The spherical living room is central to the tale of this magnificent residence. The floor is adorned with carved designs in beautiful marble. The ceiling is adorned with a large crystal chandelier with waterfalls of pendants in the middle. Large spherical columns in bright hues formed the focal point of the living rooms interior design.
This section of the interior creates a sense of security and grandeur. And the pleasant adventure begins in the luxurious hall decor. The magnificent geometric design on the floor is repeated on the lovely wall decor. The bright emphasis in the hall decor became magnificent furnishings in the futuristic style. The motif of the ceiling decoration is carried over to the floor in the living room interior design. The semi-circular window doorway is draped with airy drapes of exquisite silk in vibrant hues. Semicircular couches upholstered in velvet milky suit wonderfully in this image of luxury and relaxation. The interior of the kitchen appears magnificent and dignified.
Antonovich Group is founded on the idea of providing the ideal atmosphere for each client. This apartments interior design is contemporary. The authors proposal effectively reflects the tendency toward open space that is inherent in attractive homes. The interior design of the property mixes famous decor and hues with daring improvisations in internal lighting. The living room is connected to a fantastic dining space and kitchen. Interior designers provided creative solutions in the shape of partition walls with an aquarium to separate the room. This house has a warm and joyful atmosphere.