Luxury bedroom interior in a classical style with intimate, seductive and romantic accents. In each project interior designers Dubai tell amazing interior stories in a variety of styles. The villa design Abu Dhabi is in classical style with all the beautiful traditions. The interior has a very bright and luxurious character. Each room in the villa is a separate story. And all these stories are united by celebration of luxury and splendor, fine materials and rich colors. Bedroom design is full of bright colors and motifs of fairy tales Thousand and One Nights. The basis of a beautiful and expressive image of the bedroom interior is a luxurious bed with a canopy. The highlights of this composition were two marble statues of Greek gods that visually support the canopy. Translucent silk, carved decoration with gilding, sculptures. All these are fine accents of the romantic mood of luxury bedroom interior. Designers have added a magnificent interior decoration as luxurious silk curtains of noble ruby hue. The windows decoration are supplemented with elegant trim elements and rich accessories. Bedroom interior design is comparable to a work of art. In the ceiling decor the designers offered artistic painting in the tradition of the Renaissance. The interior is illuminated with elegant chandeliers with crystal pendants and lots of neat lampshades. Interior design has become the epitome of luxury modern palace. Decorative parquet and a Persian carpet looks warm and charming.