Luxury Antonovich Design is also regarded as being the greatest provider of bespoke Dubai furniture with the most distinctive design elements and arrangements. Custom chandeliers, 3D carpet designs, family crests or logos, and other forms of one-of-a-kind Dubai furniture designs are available. Luxury Antonovich Design has its own in-house experienced interior designers and consultants that can give complete solutions and services for any sort of lavish interior design project. You will discover the broadest selections of luxury Dubai furniture design and comprehensive decorative materials at Luxury Antonovich Design, which will be required in any luxury project implementation to complete a very elegant design.
Luxury Antonovich Design is well-known as a leading provider of the most opulent Dubai furniture design, as well as a designer of bespoke furniture, carpets, floors, chandeliers, family crests or logos, and other opulent decorations. Nothing can produce a Luxury home design more effectively than Luxury Antonovich Design. It provides entire project solutions, including space planning, construction, interior design execution, fit-out work, and final turnkey solutions.
Without a doubt, Luxury Antonovich Design is the ideal choice for any top customer when it comes to developing their local and foreign properties. The luxury villa is one of the most current fantastic instances of superb project design execution since it has perfectly executed the style according to each clients need while remaining true to the classical design idea. Every detailed decoration and furniture design, such as the customized huge chandelier in the center of the lobby, out of this world detailed design and craftsmanship towards the lobby flooring with perfect underneath lighting, the dramatic staircase design, perfect selections of extra luxurious furniture, exudes a sense of visible luxury.