interior design office Turnkey is one of the most important directions of work design studio Luxury Antonovich Design.
We are a team of professionals working around the world. In our team - highly qualified world-class experts. Our interior design services starting from the designer arriving at the site and drawing up a design project of your space and ends with the supervision and decoration of premises. Also, our company at your will can do all kinds of the repair, decoration and construction work, construction of communications, air-conditioning systems. And even more - we can offer you custom-made furniture, mosaic works, floors, artistic forging and others. Our work is at the first stage is to figure out your needs and preferences in style, decor, design, and develop a design project, which will fully meet all your wishes and preferences.
The main objective of Interior design office Turnkey - emphasize the style and direction of the company" title="More about office design">office design " src="" style="text-align: center; width: 600px; height: 539px;" title="Modern office design idias">
Office design of classic style or strict formal setting - is now almost not have any restrictions in the decor, even the most business offices. Based on the design purpose (to create a business mood and creative atmosphere), our designers can easily fulfill any request or requirement of the customer.
Today the main task of Interior design office Turnkey is not so much a surprise partners and customers, as underlining the areas of activity. Thanks to visual expanding of space and zoning the premises, professional designers of Luxury Antonovich Design Studio could quickly and easily turn any room configuration in the bright and comfortable showrooms.
Designing office interior of company creative profile is much more complicated than the design interior of business premises. Thanks to the well-organized play of light and shadow, as well as a specific range of colors, you can emphasize the individuality of the creative personality.
Properly selected office style - the key to business success
In order to contain the situation in the companys in official business style, office design projects performed in a minimalist style or high-tech.
We create unique projects only and are moving away from strict traditional motifs, adding to the design of office space some novelty, but maintaining the functional purpose and direction of the office. Implement original plans into life can only professionals Luxury Antonovich Design studio. Thanks to the vast experience which we have accumulated over the years, we are able to cope with the tasks assigned to us.
Interior design office Turnkey from Luxury Antonovich Design - comfort at work and at relaxation
Luxury Antonovich Design Studio creates the original design plans of offices repair around the world. By studying and analyzing all pluses and minuses of space, our designers develop the layout and style that completely transform the already bored office decor . When designing the future office, we will plan a comfortable working space, a demonstration and a conference hall, recreation areas and more.
Office of any institution (from a legal or commercial enterprise, and to a bank), the project, developed by design studio Luxury Antonovich Design - is the standard of the highest quality and unique interior style.
One of the main advantages of our studio is the individual approach to all customers.
When creating design project of office space, we consider all the requirements and wishes of clients. Plans of future offices created by us are unique and inimitable, because we thoroughly inspecting all the rooms, and taking into consideration the smallest features of each room.
n our website, you can read more about the services provided and to explore the work already performed by us.
Luxury Antonovich Design - creating comfort in the workplace