"Baby shower" is a traditional event for a future mother, very popular in the US and England. Also, this celebration is gaining increasing popularity in the UAE.For this event friends and relatives of the future mother gather, give gifts to the future baby and mother, share their impressions and experiences, just have fun, shoot all the action on video cameras and photo cameras. It turns out the first celebration for the baby. The gathering is usually organized at 7-8 months of pregnancy.Scenarios and ways of holding can be a lot - a surprise party (so that Mom does not know) or openly (with involving her in preparation), gifts prepared beforehand according to future parents wishes or gifts-surprises, with games and contests or without, tea-party or a buffet, with invitation cards, colorful balloons.
Luxury Wedding Service organizes the best Baby Shower party on a turn-key basis
Traditional American women's party "Baby shower" is increasingly gaining popularity in the UAE, however, not everyone knows what a wonderful event can be arranged for a future mother in the agency Luxury Wedding Service 3-4 weeks before the birth.Let's drop all superstitions and prejudices and try to turn just one day among weeks and months of waiting, into a fun unforgettable holiday for a pregnant woman.
"Baby Shower" gathers girlfriends of the future mother to show special care and attention to the pregnant woman before childbirth.Also at this celebration honored the future baby, the relatives give presents to the future mother, which will be useful to the child and to the mother herself.
It's good to take a lot of photos at a party, and shoot the event on a video camera, because in just a few weeks the baby will be born, and for his mom, it will be a great pleasure to recall this sweet waiting moment after a while.Support and love from friends in the last weeks before childbirth are especially important for a pregnant woman because it is known that women in this phase of pregnancy are much more sensitive and vulnerable than their friends who are not expecting a baby. Gifts will also make the event brighter, more pleasant and, of course, doubly more useful.
If your friend is expecting a child, find out from her the expected date of the child birth. It is best toarrange "BabyShower" amonth before the baby's birth, and if the pregnant woman has health problems, thenit'sbetterto arrangea party 1,5-2 months before the child birth. In this case, firstly, you will not be late with the date of the event, and secondly, it will be physicall yeasier for the expectant mother torespond to your invitation several weeks before the child birth, rather than in a fewdays before.
Having agreed on all nuances with friends, the organizers set the date, time and place of the celebration. Then the pregnant woman is invited. If necessary, the date, time and place are adjusted taking into account the wishes of the future mother.
All the participants of the "Baby Shower" bring gifts for mom and baby. Organizers must decide on what principle will be bought gifts. You can dot his in two ways.
The first way: all partici pants (of course, except the pregnan two man) buy gift sat their discretion. The secanbe items for baby care, clothes for a child, toys, aswell as some nice and useful gizmos for the future mother.
The second way: the organizers make a list of things that the pregnant woman has not yet acquired, but which she will need after the baby is born. All invited friends choose from the list a thing that they willing to buy and give.